Kentaro Kuwata

Data scientist, analyzing satellite data and IoT environment data (e.g. weather, soil, etc.) of over terra-byte class to contribute solving environmental problems.
Enjoying private coding such as algorithm trading.



Mountain View, CA

Senior software engineer & Imaging scientist

Oct. 2016 - PRESENT

  • Constructed a data platform integrating various types of satellite data to provide image data to customers in near-real time by using Django framework on AWS
  • Developed a yield prediction model for one of the largest U.S. wine makers by using machine learning
  • Developed a fusion methodology simulating soil moisture percolation by using IoT sensor data, basic soil sciences and machine learning
  • Analyzed satellite data and other IoT environmental data to evaluate crop water stress

PASCO corporation

Tokyo, Japan

Technical engineer

Apr. 2011 - Sep. 2013

  • Analyzed TerraSAR-X (German Earth-observation satellite) data for the field of agriculture and disaster management. Extracting data to assess the conditions of areas stricken by flood and typhoons in Thailand and Japan
  • Feasibility study of Japanese small satellite system transportation to foreign country in the Middle East (UAE and Saudi Arabia). Researched satellite market and usage in Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia

Computer skills

  • OS: Ubuntu, Mac, Windows 10
  • Programming: Python, Shellscript, Scala
  • GIS: QGIS, PostGIS
  • Environment: Docker, PyCharm Professional
  • Python library: GDAL, rasterio, scikit-learn, Django, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, jupyter, Pytorch
  • Scala library: Spark, Slick, geotrellis
  • Database: PostgreSQL


The University of Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Engineering

Oct. 2013 - Sep. 2016

     Doctoral thesis:

      A study of development of agricultural insurance using satellite data and deep learning

The University of Tokyo

Chiba, Japan

M.S., Environmental Science

Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2011

University of Tsukuba

Ibaraki, Japan

B.S., Agrobiological Resource Sciences

Aug. 2005 - Mar. 2009
